Air Bear Tactical Aircraft » Awards The Gold Standard In Special Mission Aircraft Mon, 10 Jan 2022 21:12:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Air Bear – DA62-MPP Receives FAA STC Approvals Sat, 08 Jan 2022 01:54:06 +0000


DA62-MPP Receives FAA STC Approvals

DA62-MPP now fully FAA certified for ISR and Commercial operations



Air Bear Tactical Aircraft announces full FAA approval has been issued for the DA62-MPP special mission aircraft. As of November 29th, 2021, the series of STC’s which when applied to a DA62 (thereby creating the MPP configuration), have been fully approved.

Learn how this revolutionary aircraft can increase your unit’s operational performance while providing direct operating costs which rival that of a single engine piston aircraft. The DA62-MPP is the next generation solution to the airborne law enforcement / ISR mission and will tremendously reduce your operating budget requirements.

“If you’re not in the air, you’re not there…”

The DA62-MPP loiters with a 7.6 gph total fuel burn of Jet-A. It pays for itself when compared to operating far more expensive platforms that are commonly in use today.


DA62-MPP Options DA62-MPP Cockpit

Piston Power logo
Click on Piston Power link below to learn how to obtain complete tip to tail coverage of your DA62-MPP. Structured by hourly usage, all scheduled, unscheduled and AOG maintenance is covered, providing the ability to budget your maintenance expenditures years into the future. At TBO, the Piston Power program also covers engine swap, providing you with complete tip-to-tail coverage for as long as you maintain the service.


Government Capital logo
Air Bear offers the ability to finance the complete aircraft acquisition with a municipal lease. The cost to acquire the aircraft, purchase and integrate mission equipment and provide pilot and TFO training can be structured into a cost-effective municipal lease, allowing you to effectively manage your future budget expenditures.



Contact Air Bear to learn how we can provide you with a complete, mission-ready DA62-MPP aircraft, or if desired only the DA62-MPP airframe and MPP mission support equipment, ready for integration. Air Bear is the authorized distributor of the DA62-MPP for the USA. Contact us to learn more about deliveries inside and outside of the USA.

The post Air Bear – DA62-MPP Receives FAA STC Approvals first appeared on Air Bear Tactical Aircraft.
